Choice between bits and bytes

Started by Daniel


Choice between bits and bytes   08 December 2019, 23:49

Good day,

How can we set NetGenius to show throughput as bits/s? Showing it as bytes/s is inconvenient as most Internet providers advertise and sell speeds as bits/s.

Thank you!
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Re: Choice between bits and bytes   10 December 2019, 14:51

Thank you for your feedback. It is a good idea, so we have added a new setting in Preferences that lets you choose between bytes/s and bits/s, to display speeds in KB/s or Kb/s, and so on.

To try the new setting, simply download the new build:

SoftPerfect support forum

For other readers: more information on KB/s vs Kb/s difference.

Re: Choice between bits and bytes   12 December 2019, 08:35

Thank you very much!!
It works 100%

I will recommend this as a default setting in the future.


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