Traffic stream display in the system tray

Started by Perry


Traffic stream display in the system tray   03 February 2020, 10:04

I have four Windows 10 PCs. On two of them, I see a rectangle in the system tray with the upstream/downstream traffic, but the other two show only the application icon. How do I get those to show upstream/downstream traffic as well?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Traffic stream display in the system tray   03 February 2020, 10:41

Generally, for the real-time bandwidth information in the taskbar:
  1. The NetGenius Taskbar Extension must be selected during the installation.
  2. The installer attempts to enable the extension automatically. If that fails, it can be enabled manually by right-clicking an empty space on the taskbar and choosing Toolbars - NetGenius Extension.

Please see the screen shots below for details:

SoftPerfect support forum

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: Traffic stream display in the system tray   03 February 2020, 10:46

Excellent! Thanks for your help.

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