How to monitor traffic usage on remote computers

Started by Michel


How to monitor traffic usage on remote computers   27 February 2020, 12:23


I am looking to monitor remote PCs bandwidth data usage. I have no intention of blocking the usage of a certain app or even the whole PC, just really need to see the traffic usage.

Is there any chance I could do this with NetGenius? It seems it only works inside my network, but I would like to do this over the Internet. Is there any recommendation you could give me? Alternatively, is there any chance NetWorx can do this?

Thank you,
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Re: How to monitor traffic usage on remote computers   27 February 2020, 13:11

It works over the Internet as well, but since there is no cloud of any kind, it has to be a direct connection. This usually means setting up port forwarding on the router.

NetGenius service listens on TCP port 8702, so you can set up port forwarding from and to that port. This way when you connect to the router's external IP address, the connection will be forwarded to the PC and NetGenius will accept it. Here is a guide on how to set up port forwarding.

This can be a little clumsy if you want to manage multiple PCs. In this case you could use VPN. This way you can connect to a remote network as if it was local, allowing you to access all the network's resources, including NetGenius instances. Here is a guide on how to set up a VPN server.

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