IP to hostname resolution

Started by nickgd

IP to hostname resolution   25 March 2020, 02:48

Hi NetGenius Forum,

I'm just trying out NetGenius and have a question: is it possible for NetGenius to resolve host names instead of showing IP addresses?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: IP to hostname resolution   26 March 2020, 13:04

This is something we had in our to-do list, so we have just added this feature to NetGenius.
Please download the updated installation package, install it over, and you should see domain names:

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: IP to hostname resolution   27 March 2020, 00:30

That sounds great. Will try it right away......
Stay healthy!

Re: IP to hostname resolution   27 March 2020, 00:58

It's up and working. And I really like it.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: IP to hostname resolution   28 March 2020, 13:05

I'm glad to hear that you are happy with the new feature. Thank you for letting us know. smile

You too take care, stay safe and healthy in this time of COVID-19 pandemic.

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