Graph capabilities

Started by Chris


Graph capabilities   14 April 2020, 22:14

I've been looking at both NetGenius and NetWorx and am wondering why the graphing capabilities of NetGenius are poorer in comparison. The only type of graph available is per hour whichever reporting tab is selected.

I would expect the "This Month/Last Month" to graph by day, with "This Year" graphing by month, with a separate "Hourly Rates" tab as in NetWorx to graph by hour. In addition there is no "Per Week" tab in NetGenius.

Your comments appreciated
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Graph capabilities   15 April 2020, 10:43

There is a couple of reasons there. Basically, NetWorx and NetGenius have a slightly different purpose:

NetWorx is one of our oldest products, it has been perfected for nearly two decades. Back then, Internet traffic was slow and expensive, and to be able to closely monitor data usage, precisely count downloaded megabytes, and receive detailed reports was important to many users.

These days, many users have data-rich or unlimited plans and are generally less interested in how much traffic they use, but more concerned with how fast their connection is and how much privacy control they have over each application, as almost every modern application tries to connect to the Internet and exchange some data. This is what NetGenius focuses on.

NetGenius is our new product, built from the ground up, with simplicity in mind. Over time, it will get more features, including better reporting. We appreciate your feedback and will definitely consider it for new releases of NetGenius.

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