SoftPerfect NetGenius

Taskbar extension doesn't appear in non-admin user account

Started by Venky

I use NetGenius in a non-admin account, and the taskbar does not show until I exit the app and restart as an admin. Can NetGenius work in non-admin accounts with lesser privileges?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Taskbar extension doesn't appear in non-admin user account   16 October 2020, 19:40

NetGenius should work in non-admin accounts the same way as in the admin.

For the taskbar extension to work in any account, two things are required:
  1. The NetGenius user interface must be running (it can be minimised to an icon in the notification area).
  2. The taskbar extension must be visible. Click an empty space on the taskbar and choose Toolbars - NetGenius Extension. You may also need to unlock the taskbar to adjust its size.

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