Menu buttons are greyed out

Started by Howard


Menu buttons are greyed out   29 May 2021, 14:43

I've just installed a trial version of NetGenius on my Windows 10 PC. However, I cannot access the "Usage" function. It is greyed out. And so are the "Limits", "Properties", "Blocking" and "Settings" buttons. The only function that is enabled and accessible is "Connect To". How can I activate the other features?

Also, how can I remove the upload/download speed display from the taskbar while keeping NetGenius app icon pinned?
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Re: Menu buttons are greyed out   29 May 2021, 15:17

As NetGenius supports monitoring of multiple computers at once, you need to click/select your computer name in the main view/list to enable the buttons:
  • The Usage, Blocking and Settings menu items are available when a computer is selected/highlighted.
  • The Limits, Properties and Usage menu items are available with an application is selected/highlighted.

To remove the taskbar extension, right-click an empty space on the taskbar, choose Toolbars in the popup menu and untick NetGenius Extension.

Re: Menu buttons are greyed out   29 May 2021, 17:19

Thanks for your prompt reply. Both issues resolved.

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