SoftPerfect NetGenius

Speed numbers/text shifted beyond the taskbar boundary

Started by Lucas

After the latest update (Win 11 pro 22H2/22621.1555) the speed numbers/text got displaced and moved off the taskbar.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Speed numbers/text shifted beyond the taskbar boundary - Fixed   18 April 2023, 12:09

It is a Windows bug that only exhibits itself on systems with a touch screen. We have implemented a workaround that deals with this issue.

Please download the latest build, try it and let us know how it works for you.
Hi... sorry for reviving an old topic...
Unfortunately, the 'display speed on taskbar' is no longer working after I began using Stardock product Start11.

If you want to replicate the scenario where the speed disappears, it is as follows:
1. Start Button>Use a custom start button image=on
2. Taskbar>Let Start11 enhance the taskbar=on> NetGenius speed display disappeared.

Hopefully it is fixable
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Speed numbers/text shifted beyond the taskbar boundary   17 July 2024, 13:03

Sorry, this doesn't seem fixable. A custom start button makes no difference, but letting Start11 enhance the taskbar indeed removes the NetGenius graph.

It looks like this happens because in this mode Start11 actively repositions all subwindows on the taskbar, and the graph is simply discarded as it's not a part of the taskbar.

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