SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager

Blocking P2P with Bandwidth Manager

Started by botham7


Blocking P2P with Bandwidth Manager   26 September 2013, 21:53

Good Day

Is there a way to block P2P with BWM?

Thank You.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

How to block P2P traffic   27 September 2013, 08:22

There is, however it's not guaranteed. Some connections and P2P applications can still pass through.

First, make sure P2P is ticked here:
SoftPerfect support forum

Then in the advanced rule settings tick P2P and set that rule's rate limit to Blocked:
SoftPerfect support forum

A better approach would be to use so called penalties, which allow you to restrict connections. For example, if you throttle any connection that has downloaded more than 1 MB, it would effectively render P2P and video streaming useless while regular web pages open normally.

SoftPerfect support forum

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