SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager

Redirecting http requests from a particular IP to an external web address

Started by Karnage

Redirecting http requests from a particular IP to an external web address   29 September 2013, 10:31

I'm trying to redirect all webpage requests from a particular IP and then redirecting them to a particular external web address.
Is this possible without setting up proxy servers?
If so can someone give me an example?

I have tried setting up mapping and selecting "Redirect to a web-page" and then selecting this under "Advanced" but without any success.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Redirecting http requests from a particular IP to an external web address   29 September 2013, 15:54

Yes, it's possible.

However it only works for incoming connections (that is those coming to or through the BM machine) and you need to be cautious not to create a circular loop, where the redirect gets caught again and is redirected again, etc.

What's your scenario?

Redirect http requests   29 September 2013, 20:22

Hi Andrew,

Very basic setup.
Local LAN group on connects to PC running BWM set to bridge mode which is connected via a 2nd network card to a ADSL modem/router on
I want anyone within a range of IP's, say to who try to access any web page get redirected to a web page that I set in "mapping"

The idea is that anyone new who joins my network would get a IP in this range from my DHCP server and when the try to access a webpage they would be redirected to a page I have setup saying something like "Please contact xxxxxx to get access to this network"
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Redirect http requests   29 September 2013, 21:15

What IP address is assigned to the NIC that faces the LAN?

Can you ping that IP address from a LAN computer?

Redirect http requests   29 September 2013, 22:16

Router is
BWM PC NIC connected to router is
BWM PC NIC connected to LAN PC's via switch is (Yes can ping this from LAN PC's)
These 2 NIC's are bridged
All PC's on LAN can access the net via lots of different rules & everything is working fine.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Redirect http requests   29 September 2013, 22:28

Sounds like it should work. Please save your ruleset to a DB file and post here or email to support at and I will have a look.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Redirect http requests   01 October 2013, 20:49

As the investigation has shown, it was the Windows firewall.

Anyone facing the same issue, please turn it off or permit all network activity to the BM service.

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