Number of connections and Numbers of users

Started by Hieu


Number of connections and Numbers of users   19 October 2013, 01:23

I am interested in using Bandwidth Manager in a proxy server. Your order page listed the Lite license as supporting 5 rules/connections. Does this means that only 5 peoples can connect to the proxy server at the same time? If this is the case, I assume the Standard license will allow up to 500 peoples to use the proxy server. Can someone clarify this questions?
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Re: Number of connections and Numbers of users   19 October 2013, 09:24

It means 5 rules or 5 streams within a rule if the rule uses connection tracking (per stream bandwidth limiting).

If you use one rule without tracking individual connections, it can handle any number of connections, even with the Lite license.

Otherwise, a Standard license is your best bet.

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