Stopping all Bit Torrent sessions

Started by TYCharley


Stopping all Bit Torrent sessions   06 November 2013, 06:03

How do you stop all Bit Torrent sessions for everybody ?
Any help is appropriated.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Stopping all Bit Torrent sessions   06 November 2013, 11:11

There are two options:

1) You can use the built-in DPI module that detects P2P activity. It uses heuristics and there is no guarantee it will always catch BitTorrent, but you can give it a go.

In a rule, to the Advanced page and click Even more advanced settings

SoftPerfect support forum

2) Alternatively you can use Penalties that allow you to discourage heavy downloads regardless of protocols used.

SoftPerfect support forum

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