SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager

Packet loss and high latency

Started by kayzie.c

Packet loss and high latency   17 February 2014, 02:27

Dear Andrew,

I can see another network that I had implemented previous version of Bandwidth Manager is having packet loss and high latency. My management is not happy about the problem that the software had brought us. Can you please kindly revert so that I can send you the ruleset files that is 41MB?

Below is the server hardware specification:
CPU: 2 x Intel Xeon Quad Core 2.27GHz (E5520)
RAM: 2 x 4GB DDR3
HDD: 320GB

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Re: Packet loss and high latency found after implementation of Bandwidth Manager   17 February 2014, 21:50

Dear Support,

I've uploaded the file to Google Drive and it is being shared. Please kindly assist to look into this and we are suffering high packet loss frequently after the implementation of the bandwidth manager.

Thank you.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Packet loss and high latency   19 February 2014, 11:40

As we discussed by e-mail, it's likely to be an implementation limit where new data arrives faster than the software can handle it.

There is a fresh build that implements bulk data sending, which should perform better. Please download it here and let me know how it goes.

Re: Packet loss and high latency found after implementation of Bandwidth Manager   23 February 2014, 11:55

Dear Andrew,

We would like to know if this has anything to do with the version of Windows that we are using? This is because we find that Bandwidth Manager seems to be more stable with Windows Server 2008 rather than Windows 2012. If a fresh installation is needed, will the license be usable on the new machine as well?

Thank you.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Packet loss and high latency found after implementation of Bandwidth Manager   23 February 2014, 13:21

Generally speaking the BM's performance may well depend on the version of Windows in use.

Pretty much like every new version of Windows usually brings more features, but not necessarily speed.

If you want to roll back to Windows 2008, you can easily do so with the same license. No activation is required.

Re: Packet loss and high latency   26 February 2014, 21:21

Dear Andrew,

I've reinstalled the server for the bandwidth manager and restore the previous bandwidth manager ruleset. When I was browsing through the event log, I am seeing quite a lot of messages on SMTP Socket error #10060. Can I know what is this error all about?

Thank you.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Packet loss and high latency   26 February 2014, 22:26

That's BM fails to send mail due an incorrectly configured SMTP server in the settings.

Turn it off or make sure a correct mail server is configured in BM.

Re: Packet loss and high latency   22 March 2014, 21:49

Hi Andrew,

I've disabled the SMTP setting as mentioned and the network manager is brought to live again with the latest version of bandwidth manager installed. However, we are still experiencing packet loss on the network during peak hour. Can you kindly advise? The new version doesn't support this amount of bandwidth too?

Thank you.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Packet loss and high latency   27 March 2014, 13:00

Hi Kayzie,

I have another couple of simple tricks to implement, that should improve performance for your ruleset.

I will publish a new build in a couple of days.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Packet loss and high latency   07 April 2014, 16:37

The new build is available.

It increases the number of internal buffers from 16 to 64 which should generally help to process multiple connections faster.

Please try it on your server and let me know if it shows better performance.

Re: Packet loss and high latency   18 April 2014, 01:16

We have similar issues with the 3.x versions, I will install the new build now to see if they help.

Re: Packet loss and high latency   18 April 2014, 03:02

Am having too much trouble installig build3 on various servers.

On one server it didn't detect the network adapters, It only offer (All)
On other it won't connect socket 10061 even after uninstall > reboot > install > reboot

on other server it installed fine. seems to be random!

Re: Packet loss and high latency   18 April 2014, 03:45

Problem seems to be at the Install driver/service stage. It does it VERY quick and doesn't seem to get installed

I am running Windows 2003 32 bit.

Now I cannot even install previous version, some how there are traces left of the failed install but I can't find them

Re: Packet loss and high latency   18 April 2014, 04:32

Ignore previous msg, got it working by install service manually

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