SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager

Bugs in the new version

Started by netnuti

Bugs in the new version   21 February 2014, 02:55

Since 3.x version was released there are too many bugs on this version. GUI reporting errors on creating new rules, when add new rules it goes to the end of the rules list. When some error happen we can't close the error message. We have to CRTL + ALT + DEL and finalize the GUI and open again. Same occurs if we have some disconnection problem. I always use GUI remotely.

I use BWM everyday and believe that,s everybody that does the same receiving the same errors and bugs. Is it true? I can post several images of bugs here if needed.

Hope the new versions can fix this problems. shocked or surprised

Re: Bugs in the new version   27 February 2014, 23:42

This one receiving everyday.
open | download – error.jpg (87.9 KB)

Re: Bugs in the new version   28 February 2014, 08:59

One more error message.

PS: Can't close this error message either. Must CTRL + ALT + DEL and close the bwm.exe process.
open | download – erro2.jpg (81.5 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Bugs in the new version   28 February 2014, 11:45

Sorry for getting back to you late.

These errors only occur in the management console itself and by no means affect the service stability.

Now with these error messages I should be able to track it down and fix it. Expect an update with a few days ok, yes, thumb up
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Bugs in the new version   03 March 2014, 18:02

I have seemingly fixed these issues. Please download the update here.

Re: Bugs in the new version   14 March 2014, 00:27

Thank for the fixes!!

Can you fix one more?

When receive disconnection message: "Socket Error #10054 - Connection reset by peer."

When click in OK, this message appear again and again. Can´t close it to reconnect.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Bugs in the new version   14 March 2014, 11:09

Does it occur when a connection drops between the bandwidth management service and the management console?

Re: Bugs in the new version   27 March 2014, 00:31


Re: Bugs in the new version   28 March 2014, 00:05

The error message itself is normal. The problem is just to close the message.

MAYBE.... JUST MAYBE... If you want laugh You can update and put a countdown in the button itself like this:

"Socket Error #10054 - Connection reset by peer."
"Auto Reconnecting(3) in 30... 29... 28... 27..."

*number (3) means the times it retryied. It can still retrying indefinitely.

The reason is that too many users like me leave the software open for hours or all the day. Will be fine to come in computer and found GUI always connected. ok, yes, thumb up
Usually I come and see: "Socket Error". confused
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Bugs in the new version   07 April 2014, 18:35

The endless loop of the 'connection reset by peer' messages has been fixed in the new build.

Re: Bugs in the new version   11 April 2014, 23:40

Thank you! This fixes help a lot.

I'm still using BWM everyday. If some issue happen again I describe it here.

Thank you again!

Re: Bugs in the new version   16 April 2014, 23:12

New issue.

When click in button: "Display usage report"

It´s not organized by DATE. And if we click in DATE, still not organize by date. It´s not considering 2014 as a newer year than 2013.

But after we scroll down to see all dates, it seems to work normally after doing this.

Please take a look!

Thanks once more!

Re: Bugs in the new version   09 May 2014, 23:20

The main problem in the new version: the databank is inconsistent. Sometimes I change some rule and another existent rule receives the data from the new rule. How can this be possible? Sometimes when I open rules edit, it shows properties (user e-mail etc.) from a different rule!! Then I close and open again and it shows correct data. MAC address from some rules are copied to a different rule. User e-mail changing between the rules. Schedule properties. I always have to fix some wrong MAC that appears in a different rule. In the beginning I was just suspicious about this problem. But now I have a confirmation that something is really wrong.

Re: Bugs in the new version   11 July 2014, 00:54

In the USAGE REPORT current month sometimes just doesn't show. Data organization don't work properly showing just older months usage.

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