SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager

Share Wi-Fi with equal speed

Started by lmpzkt

Share Wi-Fi with equal speed   20 June 2014, 18:11

I have ADSLline 2Mb/s, I need to share it with DHCP Wi-Fi clients. Meaning every clients got his own speed for example 32kb/s.

Internet --- BM --- AP --- DHCP Clients, everyone with 32kb/s

What is the best rule ?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Share Wi-Fi With Equal Speed   22 June 2014, 18:05

Do you want them to be capped at 32kb/s?

Re: Share Wi-Fi with equal speed   24 June 2014, 00:24

I want everyone speed 32kb/s even if alone on the line
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Share Wi-Fi with equal speed   24 June 2014, 14:03

Then use something like this:

Source: local IP address range
Destination: Any
Rate: 32000
Interface: facing AP

In the advanced settings set Tracking mode to Source IP address (or MAC address).

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