SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager

Internet Access Restriction and Bandwidth Management

Started by wisetree

Dear Support,

I purchased BWM only last week and my goal is to use it to manage our scarce bandwidth.

This is my IT infrastructure:
I have a windows 7 PC with 2 network cards. All PCs access the Internet via this PC except one PC that host our banking application (this one is connected directly to the ISP modem on a public IP address)
We have a 200_512 kbps (200 upload and 512 download) bandwidth subscription from the ISP.

My goal is to ensure that I restrict all PCs to a bandwidth of 100_256kbps, leaving the remainder to remote users that would connect to the server (which is connected directly to the ISP modem).

My current situation is that users use up all the bandwidth available, with little or no remainder for remote users to use for connecting to the server. Our current experience is that whenever the windows 7 PC with 2 network card is switched off, remote users are able to connect to the server effortlessly.

Please help. How can I implement this.

Kayode Adeniyi
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Internet Access Restriction and Bandwidth Management   15 July 2014, 11:47

If the Windows 7 PC with two NIC is already configured to provide other clients PCs with Internet, then you don't need to consider bridging or configure routing.

Just install BM on that controlling PC and create a simple rule like this:
Source: Any
Destination: Any
Protocol: Any
Rate: 256000:100000
Interface: connected to the modem

This will effectively shape everything coming in and out of the controlling PC at the specified rate thus sparing bandwidth for the banking application PC connected directly to the modem.

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