How to configure basic LAN Connectivity without a domain

Started by Vincent


How to configure basic LAN Connectivity without a domain   03 September 2016, 23:07

I'm having difficulty to setup in my LAN Connectivity. I have one server and 12 units of desktop, one ISP and one switch. Do I need domain so I can control my client? Please help.. Thanks
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to configure basic LAN Connectivity without a domain   04 September 2016, 00:41

There's no need to have a domain. Did you have a chance to check out this article?
Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your prompt reply. This article is a big help for me. But my problem now.. How will I make our window server 2008 R2 a gateway? Do you have article for that? Many thanks Bro..
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to configure basic LAN Connectivity without a domain   04 September 2016, 12:44

I have found this article in Google: Using Windows Server as a NAT Router. Hope this helps.

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