Quota Notification for user of Rule setup for Range

Started by john.sweat


Quota Notification for user of Rule setup for Range   26 April 2017, 02:30

Quick question. If we have a rule setup for a range with a quota, is there a way that just one user of the range can be notified that they have hit the quota instead of everyone in that range being notified?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Quota Notification for user of Rule setup for Range   26 April 2017, 11:35

For e-mail notifications, it's not really possible as a user's e-mail is specified per rule. Whatever IP address within that rule has used up the quota, the e-mail is sent to the e-mail specified in the rule.

For web-browser notifications, using the Suspended rule trick (last example on the page), you would need to use enable tracking by IP address in the rule's settings, so each IP address has its own quota and only that IP address goes into the Suspended state.

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