Time in addition to Date in the Rule Schedule

Started by moro666

Time in addition to Date in the Rule Schedule   01 May 2017, 16:09

Can you please add (Time) with date at Rule Schedule?
I need to disable a rule after a specific date and specific time, with current implementation it's just disable that rule at 12:00 AM of that date.

For example: I need to disable a rule at 1/May/2017 at 2:30 PM, so that rule is still active at 1/May/2017 from 00:00 AM to 2:29PM
NOT before 1/May/2017 at 00:00 AM which is the current situation

I attached a photoshopped screen shot of what I need.

thanks smile
open | download – Date and time.png (25.9 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Time in addition to Date in the Rule Schedule   04 May 2017, 15:09

Sure, I think we'll be able to include this in the next release. Thanks.

Re: Time in addition to Date in the Rule Schedule   08 May 2017, 11:02

thanks .. waiting for it ok, yes, thumb up

Re: Time in addition to Date in the Rule Schedule   10 September 2017, 02:10

Andrew... you released BWM 3.2.4 without adding time at Rule Schedule sad

when you gonna add it ??
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Time in addition to Date in the Rule Schedule   12 September 2017, 16:20

Apologies for the overlook. Please try this latest build, which includes the time setting, and let me know how it works for you.

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: Time in addition to Date in the Rule Schedule   13 September 2017, 10:12

Thanks, Andrew smile
It's working great as it should, i tried some test rules, time Schedule working fine. And changed Schedule of about 400 rules at different times/dates, BWM works stable as usual.

great work ok, yes, thumb up

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