Creating single rule for IP range

Started by ihsanmcitp


Creating single rule for IP range   21 November 2017, 16:32


I created a single rule for whole network IP range, and 8mbps download and upload has been given.
My question is, will all IP range equally use the speed or 8mbps will be dedicated to each single IP?

Thank you
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Creating single rule for IP range   22 November 2017, 19:45

It depends on the Tracking Mode setting under the Advanced tab in the rule properties.

SoftPerfect support forum

The Tracking mode option determines how the rule handles connections. When it is set to share the rate limit and quota, the rule does not identify individual connections. Whether there is one computer traffic flowing through the rule or traffic from multiple computers, they have to compete for bandwidth and their individual usage is recorded as a whole. To limit individual connections, there are 4 options for setting the Tracking mode to do it: source IP address, source MAC address, destination IP address, and destination MAC address. These individual connections are called streams, and you will see them dynamically emerging in the list of rules.

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