Exempting online games from bandwidth limits

Started by Alvin


Exempting online games from bandwidth limits   06 January 2019, 10:51

I am limiting my desktop PC, laptop and phone bandwidth to only 1mbps, but whenever I play online games (e.g. steam CSgo) in my free time, my game is getting high pings due to that bandwidth limiting. How can I add an exemption to my games so they are not limited to 1mbps? Thanks!
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Exempting online games from bandwidth limits   06 January 2019, 11:33

If you know the server address(es) that are used in your game (or the server you choose to connect to), this exemption can be easily organised by creating an unrestricted rule that applies to that IP address.

For example, if the server you play CSgo on has the address, you could simply add a rule like this:
Source: local host
Rate: Unlimited
Place this rule above all limiting rules, e.g. at the top of your ruleset.

Exempting rule for unlimited bandwidth   30 January 2019, 00:39

Is this rule virtually the same for everything when I want unlimited bandwidth, not just games?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Exempting rule for unlimited bandwidth   30 January 2019, 10:26

Yes, the above rule basically just tells the Bandwidth Manager not to restrict bandwidth to a specific IP address. That could be a gaming server or anything else.

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