SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager

Database file gets corrupted after 1-2 weeks

Started by Tim Dimi

Tim Dimi

Database file gets corrupted after 1-2 weeks   28 January 2020, 08:51

Been using the newest version for a while and I've noticed that from about 1-2 weeks randomly after a reset, my db file prevents the service starting.
I have tried to re-install and reload my rules.
Would keeping storage records for only 1 day prevent this?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Database file gets corrupted after 1-2 weeks   28 January 2020, 14:26

Do you mean a hardware reset with the button that forces the computer to restart? If so, it is not recommended.

While the SQLite database engine we are using is corruption-resistant, it may still be damaged in certain conditions. Here is a technical article describing how a corruption can occur in SQLite.

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