Unlimited access for TeamViewer

Started by grigione


Unlimited access for TeamViewer   13 April 2020, 17:45

I have set a rule in my PC to permit any connection with a quota of 15 GB per day, beyond which the Internet should be off.

If I want to access my PC remotely with TeamViewer or any other remote access application outside that quota, do I have to create a specific rule for that? Can you make an example how to create a rule for TeamViewer that would permit it to access my PC while the Internet is off for all other connections?

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Re: Unlimited access for TeamViewer   13 April 2020, 19:11

According to TeamViewer Ports documentation, it prefers to make outbound TCP and UDP connections over port 5938.

Therefore, you will need to create a rule that permits unlimited TCP/UDP to destination port 5938.

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