Live Bandwidth Monitor

Started by Grant Michaud

Grant Michaud

Live Bandwidth Monitor   20 November 2020, 05:36

Is it possible to have the live usage monitor like the 2.9 version of Bandwidth Manager?
The live monitor in the latest 3.2.11 version is not re-sizeable etc. Can it be more like the old versions?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Live Bandwidth Monitor   20 November 2020, 12:08

I am not quite sure what you mean by saying it should be more like the old versions. It is fully resizeable, and can be maximised too, as shown in the following screenshot:

SoftPerfect support forum
Grant Michaud

Re: Live Bandwidth Monitor   21 November 2020, 01:57

No not the Rules area, the Download and Upload Graph area is not resizeable.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Live Bandwidth Monitor   23 November 2020, 10:10

That's a good point. We have just added a couple of splitters that you can use to resize either chart. The new build can be downloaded here.

SoftPerfect support forum
Grant Michaud

Re: Live Bandwidth Monitor   25 November 2020, 09:50

Yes, exactly! Thanks.

SoftPerfect rocks! ok, yes, thumb up
Grant Michaud

Re: Live Bandwidth Monitor   04 March 2021, 17:21

This new version 3.2.11 64-bit of the Live Usage Monitor is almost perfect, it just needs a 1 sec refresh option. Also it would be nice if it showed Total-In and Total-Out like in the old legacy versions 2.9.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Live Bandwidth Monitor   09 March 2021, 12:46

Thank you for your feedback. We will see what can be done for the next release.

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