'Page Setup' issue in Usage Info

Started by Walid


'Page Setup' issue in Usage Info   09 December 2020, 15:23

I recently purchased my second new licence for Bandwidth Manager and upgraded to the latest version (3.2.11). My previous version was 3.2.5.

I am running Bandwidth Manager on Windows 7 x64 Ultimate. Everything is functioning normally like in the previous version, except for the Page Setup on the Usage Info tab (web-access to usage information).

I used to be able to access that page locally and open the Page Setup to edit and make changes. Now every time I try to do so, I get "Error reading seEditor.FontSmoothing: Property FontSmoothing does not exist." I have no idea as to how to fix this error. I tried reverting the old version again, and the Page Setup works fine there. I am not aware of anything missing in my fonts needed in the new BWM version.

One more thing, the latest Squid version seems not be caching in my case. Is it still compatible with the new BWM software?

Would appreciate any help on both issues.
Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: 'Page Setup' issue in Usage Info   09 December 2020, 16:12

Thank you for reporting this issue. It was a bug that creeped into the latest release, and we have just fixed it.

Please download the updated build from the Bandwidth Manager page (the version number remained the same). Install it over your current installation, and you should be able to edit HTML templates normally.

I am afraid I am unable to advise about Squid. It is better to ask in their online community.
Grant Michaud

Re: 'Page Setup' issue in Usage Info   12 December 2020, 03:37

Does this new update regarding editing HTML files also have the chart resizing feature added earlier?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: 'Page Setup' issue in Usage Info   12 December 2020, 15:38

Yes, it includes all the latest changes and fixes.

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