SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager

Getting "Login failed: incorrect password" message

Started by angelyasmany


Getting "Login failed: incorrect password" message   31 March 2021, 02:09

I cannot connect to the program, it show a message that my password is incorrect. I installed the program several times bit I keep getting the same error.
I enter the start password, but it does not work.
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Re: Getting "Login failed: incorrect password" message   31 March 2021, 10:53

The Bandwidth Manager software consists of two components: a Bandwidth Control Service that processes network traffic and enforces bandwidth restrictions, and a Management Console used for configuration and monitoring.

When you launch the Management Console, it asks you to enter the name of the host where the Bandwidth Control Service is running and a password. By default, the host name is localhost and the password is blank. You can find more detailed information in the User Manual.

Re: Getting "Login failed: incorrect password" message   01 April 2021, 12:37

Thank you very much. I solved the problem achieved the entry to the data base. It was a mistake in my password.

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