SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager

Bandwidth throttling

Started by Kimran


Bandwidth throttling   14 October 2022, 14:16

Good morning,

I have 9 rules currently created on my Bandwidth Manager with access to a full 1 Gbps bandwidth input. My 9 rules are:
2 x 200 Mbps
6 x 50 Mbps quotas with rule to throttle to 38 Mbps
1 unlimited rule

Currently my unlimited rule seems to have a burst at startup of speedtest but throttles back to 38 Mbps. It is not one of the quotas and I have checked that the IP address used on it doesn't fall among what is used by one of the quota addresses by error on my end. What advice can you give to get these rules working as should? Or is there a valid reason for the throttling even if set to unlimited?
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Re: Bandwidth throttling   14 October 2022, 14:20

Most likely it is going through a different rule.

Try opening the Live Usage Monitor when doing a speed test that is supposed to go through the 'Unlimited' rule, and check which rule actually handles it.

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