System process uses 15% CPU while running NetWorx

Started by javigh


System process uses 15% CPU while running NetWorx   10 January 2013, 22:50


I've used NetWorx for a long time but I have installed recently in my netbook (asus 1215B - E-450 APU) and I've realised that the System process (NT Kernel & System) uses about 15% of the CPU. Translating that to power consumption, it means that the netbook is using 1.5-2W more (for a netbook it's a lot). If I close NetWorx, the CPU usage comes back to normal. I've tested it many times, on battery, on AC, etc.
The networx.exe process is using about 2-3%, which is normal.

Is that behaviour normal or do I have a problem with drivers or something?

Thanks a lot!!!
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System process uses 15% CPU while running NetWorx   11 January 2013, 15:50

Most likely with network card drivers, but try to choose a specific network connection in the main NetWorx settings (rather than one of those All **** Connections).

System process uses 15% CPU while running NetWorx   15 January 2013, 04:17

Thanks for the response.

I've discovered that the problem goes partially away if I plug a network cable. Selecting a specific network connection helps a little, but not too much. I've tested the following scenarios:

Without ethernet cable:
- All connections: System process consumes ~15%
- Selecting Wifi or ethernet card: ~12%
It doesn't matter if Wifi is enabled or disabled.

With the ethernet cabled plugged in:
- Wifi enabled/disabled and monitoring all connections: ~6-7%
- Wifi enabled and ethernet connection selected: ~5%
- Wifi disabled and ethernet connection selected: ~3-4%

I have obtained the CPU load percentages from the column "Average CPU" in the Windows resources monitor, leaving it idling enough time to stabilize. So, I think there is a problem with the ethernet card driver, right?

Thanks a lot!

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