desk band background transparency

Started by Norman B. Grover

Norman B. Grover

desk band background transparency   11 January 2013, 19:55

First of all, I should like to compliment you on a very useful and friendly programme and thank you for making it available to the user community.
Would it be possible (it may already be, and I just couldn't figure out how) to add a background colour to the desk band of 'transparent' so that the numbers appear directly on the taskbar? The frame colour would have to be transparent (or 'none') as well.
Also, the desk band sits in the taskbar about 1/4" from the notification area and can be expanded only towards the left (towards the Start button in XP). Can you arrange it so that the desk band can be placed right up against the notification area, thereby saving that 1/4"?

desk band background transparency   21 February 2013, 20:02

you can set desk band setting in NetWorx setting by selecting left to right check box in Graph menu

and I also looking forward for transparent taskbar frame


desk band background transparency   31 March 2013, 14:57

Exactly what I was looking for!
it will be great add to this very cool program. Transparent background on both taskbar band and graph lil' window plus option to make frame transparent too will be just perfect.

Really would love to see just numbers/graphs without any bg/frames.
Thanks in advance!

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