Beautiful application but crazy results

Started by Woking Wounded

Beautiful application but crazy results   16 January 2013, 10:16

Hi. I downloded and ran the Networx installer on my W7 laptop three days ago. I am staying with someone who has given me access to the internet via his 3G/4G wireless router via a WiFi connection and I wanted to make sure I didn't blow his paid for limit. I love the programme but it's showing crazy high results considering I'm only doing a bit of gentle web browsing and email. So I downloaded a competing product which gives me more sensible results. For instance Networx says my total usage today is 21.1GB while tbb meter gives me 132MB. Have I got the settings wrong or something?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Beautiful application but crazy results   16 January 2013, 10:18

You just need to choose ONE specific network interface to monitor in the settings. As installed NetWorx is monitoring all traffic on all network interfaces, possibly including local traffic or multiple adapters including virtual and dial-up ones and sums it all up. This might have resulted in incorrect readings.

Beautiful application but crazy results   16 January 2013, 10:39

But I'm not connected to anything - except the WiFi connection to the 3G/4G router. I can't see how there is local traffic. Looking at the list of network adapters in Control Panel/Network and Internet/Network Connections, there is only one active (the WiFi connection)....

Beautiful application but crazy results   16 January 2013, 15:33

Download SoftPerfect's Wi-Fi Guard and you'll see all the wireless devices in range of your adapter.

Then, set Networx to:

1) monitor your wireless adapter interface
2) put a tickmark in the box to Ignore local traffic,

because there's a lot of local traffic between local devices as they check to see what's out there and to let others know they're active, known as ARP, IGMP, etc.

Networx can do many things, it's up to you to configure it to do what you want. For example, someone might want to measure just local traffic and not internet traffic, Networx can do this too if configured to do so.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Beautiful application but crazy results   16 January 2013, 16:00

If you want to get it working, please follow my or Praxis' advice.

As I said, there can be virtual or tunelling adapters, not shown in the Control Panel but affecting NetWorx calculations.

Beautiful application but crazy results   17 January 2013, 08:14

I won't hijack this thread. I added screens & more info to my unanswered post from several days ago, similar to this thread .,14212

Beautiful application but crazy results   17 January 2013, 09:00

Praxis Wrote:
> Download SoftPerfect's Wi-Fi Guard and you'll see
> all the wireless devices in range of your
> adapter.
> Then, set Networx to:
> 1) monitor your wireless adapter interface
> -plus-
> 2) put a tickmark in the box to Ignore local
> traffic,
> because there's a lot of local traffic between
> local devices as they check to see what's out
> there and to let others know they're active, known
> as ARP, IGMP, etc.
> Networx can do many things, it's up to you to
> configure it to do what you want. For example,
> someone might want to measure just local traffic
> and not internet traffic, Networx can do this too
> if configured to do so.
> J

I decided to just select the WiFi interface I'm actually using in the settings and see what happens. Checking the 'ignore local traffic within the LAN' resets the selection to 'All connections' so I skipped that (I'm not connected to a LAN anyway). Bottom line: the results are now agreeing with tbbMeter (set to monitor 'All internet traffic'). Hopefully problem solved.
Thanks for your help.

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