Network per day, month usage report problems

Started by Mr Turner

Mr Turner

Network per day, month usage report problems   13 February 2013, 22:53

I have a couple of questions.
Why does my network usage report only show random days of information ?
I have made 2 downloads of 10gb each, on different days, But the report does not even display them, so the report becomes useless....Why are they not showing up ?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Network per day, month usage report problems   13 February 2013, 23:58

Make sure you have chosen the correct network interface to monitor.
Mr turner

Network per day, month usage report problems   14 February 2013, 08:11

Thanks for your reply. but sadly you may as well be speaking Turkish.
I do not know much about computers.
All i can tell you. Is that i use a Windows Vista (32 bit) laptop.
It is connected wirelessly. I only use it at home. And i do not own any other
items that could be connected to the wireless network.
Sorry if that sounds dim.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Network per day, month usage report problems   14 February 2013, 11:32

Martin, you need to go to the NetWorx main settings and choose your wireless adapter under Monitored Interfaces.

You should be able to figure out which one is your wireless adapter by looking at their names.
Mr Turner

Network per day, month usage report problems   16 February 2013, 00:47

Thanks again for getting back to me.
I think ive found the wireless adaptor, that you refered to...
It was the only one in the list that refered to a wireless adaptor.
I will give it a go. And see what happens over the next month.
Many thanks, again for your help.

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