My Quota not updating...

Started by Rui Moutinho

Rui Moutinho

My Quota not updating...   17 February 2013, 01:31


I'm currently using NetWorx 5.2.7 x64, under Windows 7.
I set it to monitor all dial-up connections and set quota for all traffic mounthly (flat).

It seems to count the dial-up traffic correctly (under dial-up sessions) always.
But, when I'm having internet traffic from a remote computer to which I share internet access (from the dial-up) using connectify, it seems not to add it towards the quota! Neither it does under the other panes!

Is this a bug or I'm using it wrong? Maybe I selected the wrong interface?
I selected dial-up despite I'm using a 3G dongle...

Anyone can help? Thanks!

Best Regards,

Rui Moutinho

My Quota not updating...   17 February 2013, 08:59

Install Networx on the other computer and then sync the traffic stats to your pc. This is explained in the Help.

Your pc is only measuring your traffic, not the other one.

Rui Moutinho

My Quota not updating...   17 February 2013, 09:59

Thanks, Praxis.

I'm aware of the sync functionality. However, I thought it was only required when another computer was using the same ISP provider by itself; and, then, when it joined a home network, the NetWorx on both would sync their data.

But, from what you write I undertand that it is also required if the ISP acess is being shared.

Is this reasoning correct?

Best regards
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

My Quota not updating...   17 February 2013, 13:20

Is this all connected as follows?

<USB dongle> - <Your Computer with Connectify> - <Another computer accessing the Internet via your computer>

If so, selecting the USB dongle should really work. Try selecting the actual 3G device, rather than "All dial-up connection".
Rui Moutinho

My Quota not updating...   17 February 2013, 21:27

Yes, Andrew. I use such a configuration, hence my concerns...

I do not understand exactly what you mean by selecting the actual 3G device. In the dop list, under settings, I only see a bunch of names like "adapter", "miniport", "virtual" bla bla... Among them I see the configured connection name of my ISP provider. Is this what you mean by "3G device" ? If not, how do I find it?

I must confess that I'm not that well trained in this jedi-net arts... :p

Meanwhile, I try with selecting that specific connection (rather than "all dial-up"wink. [crossing fingers]

Rui Moutinho

My Quota not updating...   18 February 2013, 08:17


I tried Andrew's suggestion (as I understood it) without success.
Then, I recall that connectify has troubles with Comodo IS, which I'm using... So, I "ask" google
for some alternatives...

I tried winHotspot. Now it seems to be working! And for free!!!

Perhaps, connecify is not to blaim (my computer is not in it's best "shape" right now :p).
But, certainly, NetWorx is not!!

Thank you all for your prompt and useful messages!

Best regards!

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