Usage data: Megabytes became Gigabytes

Started by serendipiddy


Usage data: Megabytes became Gigabytes   20 June 2013, 10:41

I checked my usage today, to find I've used over 1000 Gb in the last couple of days! I'm pretty sure that the Gb unit has replaced the Mb unit when i updated recently.

Not sure what version i was using but I'm now using NetWorx 5.2.8 64 bit, updated on the 14 June. I've looked through all my daily usage for June and noted the dramatic increase in usage from the 14 June.

Any help will be much appreciated smile
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Re: Usage data: Megabytes became Gigabytes   20 June 2013, 16:06

This is probably you have VirtualBox installed on your computer. You just need to choose ONE specific network interface to monitor in the settings.

As installed NetWorx is monitoring all traffic on all network interfaces, possibly including local traffic or multiple adapters including virtual and dial-up ones and sums it all up. This results in incorrect readings. It may have worked okay in the past, but due to some implications with VirtualBox, this version no longer ignores traffic on VirtualBox adapters.

MB now GB   20 June 2013, 22:04

This makes sense, but should it be doing this if i haven't used virtual box in the past month or so?

I'll give it a try, ty for the quick response too smile

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