NetWorx excludes system usage

Started by Stuart


NetWorx excludes system usage   26 July 2013, 18:15

I want to monitor my total internet usage on this PC.
So I choose "all users", but the totals do not include the system as a user.
I have a regular scheduled task that can only run under system as its "user".
I can see this usage under applications, so it must be counted.
How can I get all usage - including the systems's - counted in the totals?

Note: one effect of this is that I can see a higher total on the "applicaitions" tab than the total on the "general" tab!
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

NetWorx excludes system usage   26 July 2013, 20:24

If the task is executed when a user is logged on, it will be attributed to that user.

If the task is executed when no used is logged on, it will not be recorded because NetWorx is only when there is a user logged on (it's not a service).

NetWorx excludes system usage   26 July 2013, 20:41

Thanks, that may explain it, but...
I did not log out, but left the PC in sleep mode. Does that not count?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

NetWorx excludes system usage   26 July 2013, 21:33

I don't know, sorry.

NetWorx excludes system usage   27 July 2013, 04:47

Andrew Wrote:
> If the task is executed when a user is logged on,
> it will be attributed to that user.
> If the task is executed when no used is logged on,
> it will not be recorded because NetWorx is only
> when there is a user logged on (it's not a
> service).

Looking at this again - it does not quite match what I see.

Usage in the scheduled task while the PC is in sleep mode is counted in applications against iexplorer.exe (which I don't use for anything else), so NetWorx must be active.

However, this usage is not counted in any of the other totals, nor under any user (though I am still logged on).

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