Local quotas with "Synchronise usage data" option enabled

Started by Peter


I have installed networx on 3 machines within a local network and would like to enable separate quotas for each machine. I would also like to enable the option “Synchronise usage data with other Networx instances on the network” (to use the reporting function centrally from one machine), but it seems that when I do this the download volume from all machines (with the synch option enabled) will count against the quota on each machine.
So if I configure machines A, B and C and assign a quota of 1GB each, the quota window on machine C will show “100MB of 1GB, with 900MB left” even though I have not downloaded anything on machine C and the 100MB were actually consumed on machine A.
If I disable the “Synchronise usage data with other Networx instances on the network” option again, only the local usage is shown in the quota window. But I can no longer see the usage from all users in the reporting function centrally on one of the machines, but have to look at each machine individually to see the usage data.

Is it possible to use both of these features or do I have to choose between one or the other?

Thanks in advance,

Re: local quotas when using Synchronise usage data option   29 April 2014, 22:36

If A is your main PC it needs to query the B & C PCs for their usage. You then see an aggregate total and can also see totals by individual PC.
You don't want to configure B to query A & C and you don't want C to query A & B. This will measure the usage on B & C to their individual quotas but you'll have to put up with seeing the aggregate total measured against your quota which you'd have to set to 3GB.

If you're monitoring a router using SNMP or UPnP then you'll find that all 3 PCs will report the usage from all 3 PCs and then share that and you'll end up with double the usage, so don't do thatwink, monitor the individual adapters instead.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: local quotas when using Synchronise usage data option   30 April 2014, 16:19

While there is no way setup a quota for an individual user, there is a hidden setting that can help:

Look for Logged user usage only which will only show current user's usage throughout and when calculating the quota.

You still will be able to see everyone's usage in the At a Glance report.
Hi Andrew,

thanks a lot for that suggestion. I changed the hidden parameter you mentioned and this seems to work fine so far. I thought I had looked through all hidden settings, obviously I was wrong smile


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