What does "All Connections" mean?

Started by Wendell


What does "All Connections" mean?   29 August 2014, 06:16

I installed networx and just chose to monitor "All Connections" in the settings. Within a few minutes it was already reporting over 10 GB of usage. I wasn't downloading or uploading anything. I switched to just monitor my wireless card (I only use wireless) and this seemed more accurate to my usage. I was just wondering what exactly does All Connections monitor that could show that much usage? Is it something internal or something like communication between my computer and router or modem? And what would be the best setting to use to keep track of my internet usage due to a data cap? Thanks!
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: What does "All Connections" mean?   29 August 2014, 10:13

It queries every network interface in the system, including virtual ones. Some of them happen to report non-sense values, which disrupts NetWorx reporting. In the future, perhaps, we'll have remove this option and make the user select a correct interface manually.

Re: What does "All Connections" mean?   03 September 2014, 15:47

Hello. I have the same issue here, so I was frightened cause I thought I have viruses or something like that which steels my bandwidth. I also set up to all connections and in few hours monitoring it was about 500 GB total...

So if I understood well, this is incorrect values and we should choose only our adapter listed in drop down menu, right?

Thanks in advance.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: What does "All Connections" mean?   03 September 2014, 16:58

That's right. This is the fact NetWorx warns about during installation, but obviously nobody reads it:

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: What does "All Connections" mean?   04 September 2014, 00:58

I saw that later.. Thanks

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