No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3

Started by WGSchalk


No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   01 October 2014, 21:10

First: Thank You for a great program!

Version 5.3 (5.3.0 64-bit) worked very fine on my system (Win 7 Prof. 64 Bit). But after updating to version 5.3.3 no traffic is shown in the tray icon, graph-window or desk band.
My connection is mobile broadband. I tried different "Monitored connections" but none is working.

I installed the old version 5.3.0 again and it works. But I can't get 5.3.3 to work.

Are versions 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 available for download? I could try out, which version still works.
Exactly the same as above message. Back to 5.3.0 - everything fine.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   02 October 2014, 12:17

Guys, could you please post a screen shot of what adapters are available for monitoring (in the drop-down list under Monitored interfaces)?

Re: No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   02 October 2014, 19:36

Screenshot of the NOT working version 5.3.3:
SoftPerfect support forum

... and the working version 5.3.0 (had to stitch, because my mobile surfstick creates lots of entries):
SoftPerfect support forum
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   03 October 2014, 13:16

Have you tried choosing that HUAWEI Card #17 in version 5.3.3?

Re: No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   04 October 2014, 02:47

Yes, I tried the "HUAWEI Card #xx"-Entries in version 5.3.3. Not working. Even if it worked, it wouldn't solve the problem, since the surfstick changes it's entries every time it initializes.
Should I try previous versions 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 to find out, if they still work for me? But I would need a download-link for these versions, since I don't have these install-files.

@RSWeir: Are You also using a surfstick?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   04 October 2014, 11:33

What I can do is the optional inclusion of virtual adapters. Here are the new builds that have a setting to bring virtual adapters back.

In order to make them available, go to the hidden settings. Scroll all the way down, set 'Physical adapters only' to False and restart NetWorx. Then you should be able to choose any adapter that was available for selection in the previous versions.

Re: No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   04 October 2014, 23:04

Well... that worked. But only until I disconnected and established a new connection.

I have set 'Physical adapters only' to False and restarted NetWorx. Then I tried all entries in the list of "Monitored Interfaces". The only entry that worked is called "ALDI TALK Verbindungsassistent", which is the name of the program I use to connect to mobile broadband.
But as soon as I disconnect, this entry disappears from the list. After connecting again NetWorx doesn't recognize the connection and the field at "Monitored Interfaces" stays empty. So I would have to manually set "Monitored Interfaces" to "ALDI TALK Verbindungsassistent" each time I start a new connection.

This surfstick-software is really bothering... I never found a way of doing automatic reconnects e.g. by download-applications (to get new IP-addresses). But this surfstick doesn't work with other connecting-software...

Will I have to stick to NetWorx 5.3.0 ?
Just another user confirming same problem. v5.3.2 works fine. No traffic shown with v5.3.3. Using Windows 7 64-bit. Keeping an eye on this forum.

Re: No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   06 October 2014, 22:14

Same problem here after updating to new version. Using 64 bit Win8. How do i get back to 5.3? TIA. Seems like every update fouls up an otherwise great program. No more updates for me.
William Britt

Re: No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   07 October 2014, 08:35

I am having the same issue. Is there a link for the older versions?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   07 October 2014, 13:04

Guys, please try these builds: installer | portable.

These builds should also monitor so-called endpoint devices, which some wireless broadband modems may imitate.

If this still does not work, please see this page.

Re: No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   07 October 2014, 20:18

Tried the new snapshot-build.
Doesn't seem to change anything: still not working
Have posted my getiflist2-output to the other thread.

Re: No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   08 October 2014, 01:51

New link didn't work either. Couldn't figure out how to go from command prompt to text file. Thank you for your effort
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   08 October 2014, 14:04

@douglas9, please see the update in this topic.

Re: No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   08 October 2014, 21:06

It's working again!

The latest version from the other thread solved the problem.

A hint for the users who still have the problem:
In the Settings > Main-Tab > Monitored interfaces, in the drop-down-list choose "All connections" or "All Dial-up Connections".
Do NOT use "All Mobile Broadband Connections" or the name of your provider's software (in my case it's "ALDI TALK Verbindungsassistent") -- these will NOT work!
The entry "ALDI TALK Verbindungsassistent" (connecting software of a German provider) will work at first while you are online, but it stops working when you stop the connection and dial-up again.

Thank You Andrew for solving the problem!
Very good support!
And the software is free...

Thank you!
I have had the same problem of no data being recorded after upgrading from 5.3.2 to 5.3.3, but not with mobile equipment. I am using a HP Pavilion Desktop PC with Windows Vista 64 and a Netgear WNA1100 WiFi USB adapter (though maybe that bizarrely classes as "mobile"wink. Until 5.3.3 was installed it has run faultlessly for a couple of years. Reinstalling 5.3.2 has returned it to operating capability.

I have also noted that it kept on trying to download the Installation file (networx_setup.exe) but was failing to do so, this even though 5.3.3 had been installed. I have now disabled auto updating for the present.
It is all very strange.

My technical knowledge is very limited, so any explanation will have to be worded in the simplest of terms please.

Re: No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   11 October 2014, 01:30

Have you already tried the patched version from the other thread?
It solved the problem for me and many others.
No, I didn't because I am not using portable/mobile equipment, it is a desktop. Didn't want to do anything like that without expert advice.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   13 October 2014, 13:49

Albert, in order to troubleshoot this issue, it would be helpful if you could launch the getiflist2 utility from this thread and post a resulting file here.

In this case I would be able to see a list of all your network interfaces and figure out why it's not working anymore.
Thanks Andrew.

I have run the utility and have a file of meaningless (to me) data. However, it is a very long list and will look absolutely enormous within the thread, would that be acceptable or is there some other way I can get it to you?

I should emphasise that, unlike the original title of this thread, this problem has only arisen in the move from 5.3.2 to 5.3.3, it has been fine with all versions going back to 20 January 2013 when I first used it - whatever version that was then.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: No traffic shown after update from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3   13 October 2014, 19:57

It's a very meaningful file to us, thank you for capturing the valuable data. Please submit it through this form or simply email it to support at
Yes, I realise it is meaningful to you, but not me!! File sent via the form.

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