Separate graph for upload and download

Started by thanks


Separate graph for upload and download   16 April 2015, 18:44


First I want to say thanks for providing this great software smile

I've just recently upgraded from windows xp to 7, unfortunately my net meter program was not working as excepted so I was forced to find new net meter program and found yours.

NetWorx is almost perfect for me, there's only one thing I want from it. Can you provide separate graph for upload and download?

I use net meter program to monitor the stability of my internet, so if it drops below half, I would know something is wrong. This can be achieved using "Fixed Y-axis scale" option but my upload speed is so slow that it does not even show at the system tray icon.

So I'm hoping that you can implement the separate graph for upload and download.

Thanks again smile
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Separate graph for upload and download   16 April 2015, 19:22

Perhaps a better idea may be to implement an option of logarithmic scale, so that both uploads and downloads are clearly visible in one chart?

Re: Separate graph for upload and download   16 April 2015, 22:22

Sorry, I don't really understand your explanation, but let me explain my case once more.

Let's say my download is 800kb/s and my upload is 50kb/s.
If I limit the max rate to 800kb/s, the upload is not visible at all.

By graph, I mean the graph in the tray icon, I usually see if the graph is below half, then something is wrong with my connection. Sorry for the bad explanation, I hope you understand smile

If your logarithmic scale can solve my case, it'll be great laugh
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Separate graph for upload and download   17 April 2015, 10:54

The logarithmic scale is a non-linear scale that is convenient to use for large range of quantities.

If you are not familiar with logarithms and/or linear scales, here is the simplest explanation.

A linear scale has value marks set equal distance apart. For example: 0, 10, 20, 30,... (which is 0, 0+10, 10+10, 20+10,...)
So, if you have both very small and very large values on one graph, like in your example one is 50 and another is 800, when the graph is physically small yet has to accommodate all the values, the small value will be hardly visible. This is precisely the situation you are facing.

A logarithmic scale is based on orders of magnitude, so each value mark on the scale is the previous mark multiplied by a certain value, or a larger power of the next value. For example: 0, 10, 100, 1000,... (which is 0, 101, 102, 103,...)
In this case, even a physically small graph is able to accommodate both values from your example, 50 and 800. The graph will behave as if it was magnified at the smaller values, making them visible, yet having upper limits reaching very large values.

Basic maths can be a lot of fun, and quite useful sometimes smile

Re: Separate graph for upload and download   17 April 2015, 16:15

I see.

Thanks for the explanation! I'm looking forward to it laugh

Re: Separate graph for upload and download   17 April 2015, 17:54

Andrew, does that mean that you'll add that as an option to the Graph settings?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Separate graph for upload and download   17 April 2015, 18:25

That's right.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

NetWorx graph: Logarithmic scale   04 May 2015, 16:46

The logarithmic scale option has been added to NetWorx Graph settings:

SoftPerfect support forum

Please download the current build to test the new feature.

Re: NetWorx graph: Logarithmic scale   05 May 2015, 00:32

Working OK here but not really useful on a slower cellular connection with an upper limit of 1.5Mb/s.

When there's no traffic the graph shows 8 lines, all 1 bit/sec.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Separate graph for upload and download   05 May 2015, 11:03

That new build also displays nicely rounded Y-axis labels when the logarithmic scale is not used:

SoftPerfect support forum
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: NetWorx graph: Logarithmic scale   05 May 2015, 13:32



Working OK here but not really useful on a slower cellular connection with an upper limit of 1.5Mb/s.

The logarithmic scale is useful when there is a large difference between the upload and download rates and the user wishes to see the lower values more clearly. When the rates are comparable, it is better to use the linear scale. Either scale is just an option for the user to choose from, depending what suits their needs best.

As to the all "1" values on the axis when there is no traffic, it is a cosmetic "issue", it will look fine in the final build.

Re: Separate graph for upload and download   13 May 2015, 13:27

Hi, I just tried the latest build with the logarithmic scale.
I think it's working for the larger graph, but for the small graph that I want, it's not working.

You can see the download graph is full, but the upload graph is only one bar.
SoftPerfect support forum

Also the larger graph's limit is becoming weird, I set the max limit to 250kb but it's showing 1mb/s if I activate the logarithmic scale.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Separate graph for upload and download   13 May 2015, 14:48

Your upload data is not just one bar. In this particular case it is represented by the orange 'Data Both' bars.

The 'Data Both' colour represents the colour in which the value is shown when both In and Out traffic were recorded.

For example if you define green for 'Data In', red for 'Data Out' and orange for 'Data Both', the chart will be shown as follows:
  • When only incoming traffic is recorded, it is painted as a green bar.
  • When only outgoing traffic is recorded, it is painted as a red bar.
  • When both incoming and outgoing traffic are recorded, a part of the bar is painted orange and the top of that bar is either red or green, depending on which traffic prevails in that measurement.

This allows to see both In and Out traffic on a single graph.

If you wish, you can set 'Data Both' to the same colour as 'Data In', though it would obscure the upload activity.

As to the limit max on the logarithmic graph showing 1 MB/s instead of 250 KB/s, this is because the graph displays the nearest higher "round" number as the top limit. Don't be concerned about this rise of the ceiling, it's not like on the linear graph showing 1000 instead of 250 would make the graph 4 times larger.

Re: Separate graph for upload and download   13 May 2015, 16:18

It's just one bar.. The icon on the system tray.. or am I seeing it wrong?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Separate graph for upload and download   13 May 2015, 17:31

Ah, you are talking about the notification area icon. It was not made logarithmic, though we can probably extend the logarithmic scale to that feature too.

Alternatively you choose not to use the fixed Y-axis maximum and the bars in the notification area will be calculated dynamically with UL and DL having their own separate maximums.

Re: Separate graph for upload and download   13 May 2015, 19:47

Yes, that's what I've been talking about since the 3rd post. I figured you would misunderstand what I meant.

If I don't use the fixed scale, the upload and download graph bar will always be full, so I use it to limit the bar.
I use the bar to see if my connection go wrong, the bar will not be full as usual, and that's why I want to separate the limit for upload and download.

If it's not possible, it's ok. Even though the logarithmic feature is not useful to me, I'll still use it smile

Thanks laugh

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