Failure to install on Win 7 64-bit

Started by Chris


Failure to install on Win 7 64-bit   26 April 2015, 11:58

I've been running previous version of Networx for some time with no issues on two computers, both Win 7, one is 64 bit

I upgraded to 5.3.4 on 32 bit machine OK, but my 64 bit refuses to install and forces me to closes the installation program every time.

I did an initial install run but it ended up in wrong folder. So I just deleted that folder. Not sure if that caused my problems

Then program closing always problem arose so I figured I would uninstall everything to do with Networx and try again, but it's not listed in the Control Panel "Uninstall or change a program", and unlike previous version there was no "uninstall exe in the Networx folder.

I even tried a fresh download of the portable version, but no go!

I love this app but now I'm stuck - can't uninstall or reinstall ! - any help greatly appreciated,

Re: Failure to install on Win 7 64-bit   26 April 2015, 12:08

Update: Seems the issue is caused by trying to install it under the windows Program Files directory.
Anyway I got it working by installing in my working directory.
I've never had that issue before, and to be honest a bit annoying - I'd like to keep NETWORX with all my installed programs under same place (C:\Program Files\...).

Re: Failure to install on Win 7 64-bit   26 April 2015, 16:22

Did you mean 'in' the same place? place = directory = folder?

It's something that you did, not NetWorx.

You can delete the folder with the portable, no problem, but you need to uninstall the installed version and because the uninstall.exe is in the folder which you deleted, it can't be run.

What's your 'working' directory (or 'folder', really, only old mainframe folks use 'directory')?

Have you tried a 'system restore'?

Sounds like you tried to install the 32 bit in the 64 bit folder and that that's a no-no...

Do you have imaging software?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Failure to install on Win 7 64-bit   27 April 2015, 16:36

First of all, simply deleting a folder with an installed program is a bad approach. During the installation process, programs may add, modify, or link to files outside the designated folder, so by deleting the folder you may end up with remains of data or files that can affect the future installations and uninstallations.

Also, could you please provide more details on how exactly NetWorx "refuses to install"? To investigate the issue, we need the text or screenshots of the error messages you are getting, and any other relevant details.

Re: Failure to install on Win 7 64-bit   04 May 2015, 11:02

I agree deleting folder is a bad approach, but I had no other option since (after my first dud install) NETWORX was not listed in the Control Panel > "Uninstall of Change a Program" there was no "uninstal.exe" available in the folders where I installed networx. (There was when I un-installed the previous version, but not after my first dud install, which probably never completed properly)

I did get the portable version working, but I want to do a fresh install since it's not in correct location (folder) and for some reason it doesn't automatically start with Windows boot up, even though I have that box ticked in the settings.

At present, after installing networx portable, it is not listed in the Control Panel again and there is no "uninstal.exe" or similar available in the networx_portable> 64 bit folder (or any other folder).

1) how can I uninstall other then deleting the folder?
2) Is there any reason I can't reinstall under C:\Program Files\Networx\... ?
3) What's the difference between "portable" version and the other. Which is best choice for my 64 bit Win 7 machine?

thanks in advance. I would post screenshots but seems there is no option here to add a picture to this message (if you want to email me I will send them)

I wish I'd just left my old version alone - it was running perfectly!


PS: to the OP, yes I'm an old "mainframe' person, been using and working on computers for ~ 40 years.
In my experience most people in the industry know:
'directory' is synonymous with 'folder' and
'under a directory' is synonymous with 'in a folder' !
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Failure to install on Win 7 64-bit   04 May 2015, 12:51

Chris, it's not possible to "install" or "uninstall" a portable application in the general meaning of the terms. Portable software is copied to a folder, launched from that folder, moved around if required, and deleted when it's no longer needed. This article explains it in detail.

So to remove any software: if it's a portable copy, you simply close the program window and delete the folder where it resides with everything in it. If it's an installed copy, you should launch the provided uinstaller from Add/Remove Programs to ensure the app is correctly removed.

As to which is better: it's a personal preference, but unless you have a good reason to use the portable version, I recommend the installer.

You can upload the screen shots here and post a link to them.

Re: Failure to install on Win 7 64-bit   04 May 2015, 13:37



I agree deleting folder is a bad approach, but I had no other option since (after my first dud install) NETWORX was not listed in the Control Panel > "Uninstall or Change a Program" there was no "uninstal.exe" available in the folders where I installed networx.

This looks like you thought that you were installing the Install version when in fact you were trying to install the Portable version, and that can't be done.
I'm guessing that what you successfully uninstalled was the 'old' version before you tried to 'install' the new version when in reality you were 'unpacking' the Portable version.

You have two choices for Downloads:
"Download Networx, installer" which is the Installed version
"Download Networx, portable" which is the Portable version

The Install version makes entries in the registry and has a 'check' that prevents more than one installed version from running concurrently.
The Portable version does not make the entries in the registry and multiple instances can be running concurrently if each instance is run from the exe in a separate folder. (You can run the SAME copy of the exe multiple times in a single folder!)
And it is possible to have one instance of the installed version running concurrently with one or more portable versions.
And it's also possible that, if you have both an installed and portable version set to start with windows, and if the portable starts first, the installed won't start because it 'checks' to 'see' if another instance already running. It doesn't distinguish between installed or portable when doing the 'check'. The way to avoid this is to set the installed version to Start with Windows and then manually start the portable.

The installed version is normally installed in C:\Program Files\NetWorx for 64bit.
The portable version(s) is(are) unpacked in separate folder(s) anywhere you'd like, i.e. C: or G: or...

The Installed version download .exe can be run without having to uninstall the 'old' version.
The portable version however needs to be unpacked and the files within are moved to the folder from which you run the portable, replacing the the existing 'old' version files. You should close the portable version when doing this.


(There was when I un-installed the previous version, but not after my first dud install, which probably never completed properly)

The 'dud' install was probably the portable, which simply unpacked the files in whatever folder you specified.


but I want to do a fresh install since it's not in correct folder and for some reason it doesn't automatically start with Windows boot up, even though I have that box ticked in the settings.

You can't install the portable version! If you really were trying to install the Install version (download) and it seemed to succeed but won't run.... see my comments above.


At present, after installing networx portable, it is not listed in the Control Panel again and there is no "uninstal.exe" or similar available in the networx_portable> 64 bit folder (or any other folder).

You can't install the portable version! So you can't uninstall it. There's no uninstall program thus no option in Control Panel.


1) how can I uninstall other then deleting the folder? Deleting the folder is exactly how you 'get rid of' the portable version.
2) Is there any reason I can't reinstall under C:\Program Files\Networx\... ? Not if you use the Install version (download)
3) What's the difference between "portable" version and the other. See above
4) Which is best choice for my 64 bit Win 7 machine? Either/both

I have both the installed version and 3 portables.
The installed program is installed in the default folder on C: and contains an exe.
However, I have changed the location of the installed database to keep it with my other "Data". Open the Hidden settings by pressing <CTRL> + O on the main settings tab and look for "Database location (path)" and enter a path to a folder on a different partition/drive.
On my system the path is:
"G:\portable\networx\stats". This folder does NOT contain the exe. It monitors my router stats.

If you already have stats from the 'before' installed version that you really want to keep and you change the path, you'll get a message to move the 'old' NetWorx.db database to the new folder. Actually I first copied it changed the path, made sure everything was OK and then deleted the copy of networx.db from C:

My portable versions are completely on G:. There are 3 folders with names that are meaningful to me:
"G:\Portable\NetWorx\run-port-64-1" to measure only local traffic
"G:\Portable\NetWorx\run-port-64-2" to measure my wireless connection
"G:\Portable\NetWorx\run-port-64-3" (which contains a Beta version of the portable for testing to help Andrew)
These folders each contain the exe as well as other files:networx.ico, networx.ini and sqlite.dll.
The databases are in separate folders, e.g. "G:\Portable\NetWorx\stats-portable-1"...

Re: Failure to install on Win 7 64-bit   08 May 2015, 17:42

wow, thanks Ann and Praxis for complete and detailed explanations ...
now I've got the difference between installed and portable versions clarified it should be a breeze to sort out.
standby ... !

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