New tray icon graph

Started by request


New tray icon graph   14 June 2015, 01:35

Can I request the tray icon graph like NetMeter and DUMeter?

1. Gauge fill type, like thin bar but there's no gap in between (like NetWorx's application icon)
2. Number type, image here->

Thanks! laugh
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: New tray icon graph   14 June 2015, 02:03

Sorry, I don't see a point in creating an exact copy of NetMeter or DUMeter notification area graph.

With regards to the numeric one, you can configure the desk band to show numbers alone, Graph Type - Numeric.

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: New tray icon graph   14 June 2015, 05:02

I didn't know about the desk band. Can I put the the bask to the most right of the tray icon?

I didn't mean about notification area graph, it's the tray icon (Settings->Graph->Graph in tray icon). I want it like this
SoftPerfect support forum
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: New tray icon graph   15 June 2015, 13:49

Sorry I am not sure what you mean.

You can have three types of the graph in the notification area icon

SoftPerfect support forum

Or a full-blown chart in the notification area desk band

SoftPerfect support forum

Or a numeric display in the notification area desk band

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: New tray icon graph   15 June 2015, 16:31

Hi, I just tried the desk band. It can't be moved to the most right of the notification area, I want it to be on the left of the clock.

About the graph type, I meant the gauge is like this
It's like thick or thin bars but continuous without gap.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: New tray icon graph   15 June 2015, 17:10

The desk band can be moved around if your taskbar is unlocked.

As to the thick/thin bars design, I am afraid everyone else is happy with that, so I see no reason to change it.

Re: New tray icon graph   15 June 2015, 21:49

I've unlocked the taskbar but still can't move it arround.

I'm not saying to change the design, I want a new design.

Oh well, thank you for the replies

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