The database location is not writable or does not exist. Networx will use a temporary in-memory database

Started by optix

Error at startup:

"The database location'C:\ProgramData\SoftPerfect\NetWorx\Networx.db is not writable or does not exist. Networx will use a temporary in-memory database whose contents will disappear upon exiting the application!"

I deleted C:\ProgramData\SoftPerfect\NetWorx\ and reinstalled but got the same error. Installer recreates the Networx folder in ProgramData\SoftPerfect but does not copy anything to it.

Launching the app produces a crash...

Application Name: networx.exe
Application Version:
Fault Module Name: networx.exe
Fault Module Version:
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00005b32

Additional Information 1: 6daa
Additional Information 2: 6daad44a343009e66f5700c21c6ca30d
Additional Information 3: ea66
Additional Information 4: ea66a942ad2639c4f2628ff53f987938

Runtime error 216 at 00405B32
Is that SoftPerfect\NetWorx folder writable by the user who launches NetWorx? I'd recommend to check the NTFS permissions on both these folders to ensure they allow Everyone to Write.
If I manually delete \ProgramData\SoftPerfect folder the app will recreate \ProgramData\SoftPerfect\Networx when launched. But the "not writable" error message still appears and the folder remains empty. How can the account have permission to create a folder but not have permission to write to it? If memory serves me correctly the problem did not exist until the most recent update to the application. Is it possible that you compiled the app with different options this time?
Good question. What version of Windows does this happen on?

Also could you please generate a file operations log with the Process Monitor? I'd only need to see file operations performed by networx.exe.
PM 3.1 was the last usable version: 3.2 throws an exception c000001d on the subject hardware platform. After some further research it appears that Microsoft developer tools (or the runtime environment) is now generating SSE2 instructions even in cases where the source does not benefit from SSE2 optimizations. This renders the application incompatible with old CPU's. I now believe that Networx may be affected by the same issue as Process Monitor. So you might want to consider disabling SSE2 optimizations at compile time (or else indicate the minimum CPU requirements.)
Hmm looks like there's an issue with SQLite on some computers, possibly with older processors. I'll have a closer look to see what we can do about it.

initially, i experienced the same issue with newly updated from 5.4 to 5.4.1 on Windows 10, 64 bit, home edition i think. It is a Intel i7 4770. *** I manually unzipped .exe and another 64bit file and pasted those to \Program Files\NetWorx folder

I also changed all users to have full permission on \ProgramData\SoftPerfect and its sub directories, however, that Networx.db error msg appeared at start up each time.

I manually uninstall NetWorx by clicking on \Program Files\NetWorx\unins000.exe (NetWorx was not listed in w10's Program List), followed by reboot.
Installed networx_setup.exe (v5.4.1), did my settings and reboot... error message was gone!

* For future updates, I think I will first uninstall old edition, reboot, then install new edition.

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