New feature: Real-time application monitoring

Started by Andrew

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

New feature: Real-time application monitoring   01 October 2015, 16:38

In response to another request, NetWorx now offers the improved Netstat tool that displays application activity in real-time:

Everyone is welcome to download the new build, test it and provide feedback wink

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: New feature: Real-time application monitoring   02 October 2015, 00:04

Hi Andrew,

I only see traffic speeds when something is actually happening, I don't get any 'history' as it appears in your screenshot.

Question: Since this is now 'real time', the [Refresh] button and the [box] for Automatic Refresh are now redundant, should they be removed?

Anyway, much faster than before, which is good.


open | download – 01 before.png (33.3 KB)
open | download – 02 while.png (37.4 KB)
open | download – 03 after.png (34.2 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: New feature: Real-time application monitoring   02 October 2015, 13:10

You are right about the Refresh button and option. Though I am not sure what do you mean by 'history'?

Re: New feature: Real-time application monitoring   02 October 2015, 16:00

Ahhh, 'history' was a guess since I saw two apps with traffic and around here it's only ever one at a time such as FF or TB but I never have both going at the same time.

So 'real time' really is real time and it's hard to visually track when there's just a little bit of traffic. I'll get it set up when I have something bigger to download and watch.

Nice job, thanks,

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