SoftPerfect NetWorx

Cannot restore data from a DB file

Started by thedcoder


Cannot restore data from a DB file   14 October 2015, 20:09

Hello Everyone! I have a problem with NetWorx... I reinstalled my Windows recently, I backed up my usage data with the "Backup" button in the usage report, I saved it as NetWorx.DB, but when I click "Restore" I can't see my NetWorx.DB file sad, I can't see a option for a DB file

Thanks in Advance! TD smile
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Cannot restore data from a DB file   14 October 2015, 20:57

Then perhaps it's not there? Make sure you're using the latest version 5.4.2

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: Cannot restore data from a DB file   14 October 2015, 21:05

Oh, Thanks smile

I was using version 5.4.1 lol :P

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