Feature request: Finer timespan selection in the Applications tab

Started by Hudson-M1

Feature request: Finer timespan selection in the Applications tab   15 May 2019, 17:10

Dear NetWorx developers,

Currently in the "Applications" tab, users are able to select a date range to view the corresponding summary. It would be beneficial to allow users to specify hour marks to see more details. For example, it may be useful to see the per-application traffic summary of 2019-04-05 15:00:00 to 2019-04-05 16:00:00, i.e. just for 1 hour.

Also, if an item in "Hourly Rates", "Per day", "Per week" tabs is clicked or double clicked, jumping to its time range's application summary would be convenient.

Thanks for this fantastic product!
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Feature request: Finer timespan selection in the Applications tab   16 May 2019, 15:09

Done in the latest build, please feel free to test it and provide your feedback.

Double-click an entry in the Per day, Per Week, Per Month or Custom reports, or under Hourly Rates, and the Applications tab will reveal what was used during that time frame.

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: Feature request: Finer timespan selection in the Applications tab   16 May 2019, 19:54

Thanks very much for the speedy response!

I'm trying the new build and tested some cases, currently it's working as intended, will report if any issue is found.

Thanks again!ok, yes, thumb up

Re: Feature request: Finer timespan selection in the Applications tab   17 May 2019, 01:17

Further use does not reveal any functional issue. Should there be any related future improvement, I think it might be beneficial to add more control around this feature.

For example, in the current build users select hour marks via the newly added drop-down menu. Suppose the user would like to quickly skim through the hours to see a particular application's behaviour through the day, e.g. change timespan viewport from 15:00-15:59 to 14:00-14:59, he/she would have to make 4 clicks (select 1st drop-down, select start_hour, repeat for end_hour), or goes to the "Hourly rates" tab and select the previous field. Both might cause user's attention to be "interrupted" since he/she would not be able to stare at the application list continuously during timespan shift.

One possible solution might be adding spinbuttons alongside existing four combo boxes, so shifting timespan viewport by 1 day or 1 hour takes 2 clicks on the arrow button. See below picture for a possible layout.

The other solution could be adding an extra set of controls dedicated for shifting timespan, but potentially add too much clutter to the GUI, not inline with the clean and minimal yet functional design philosophy of NetWorx.

Possible layouts:
SoftPerfect support forum

I am by no means an UI expert, and the existing design in the latest test build is already functional, maybe an icing on the cake without introducing too much clutter?

Thanks again for putting attention in this post!
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Feature request: Finer timespan selection in the Applications tab   17 May 2019, 12:05

Thank you for your feedback. It is nice to hear that everything works well.
Regarding the additional GUI elements, it, theoretically, may be an interesting idea, however our experience shows that the majority of users prefer us to keep interface as simple as possible.

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