Some applications are not shown in logs

Started by Lucas


Some applications are not shown in logs   24 July 2019, 09:58

Hi. Not all applications are shown in the logs when I try to see my data usage by app - some applications just don't appear there. I'm not sure if this is a bug or what is happening. If you need any more information, please let me know.
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Re: Some applications are not shown in logs   24 July 2019, 10:03

In its default configuration NetWorx displays top 20 apps and web-sites by usage, but you can easily change that to a higher number or to show them all.

To do that, open the Hidden Options. There is Top applications and web-sites parameter near the bottom of the list. You can set it either to a higher number, or to 0 to see all recorded applications and web-sites.

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