I've been using bandwidth meters since the 90s, but never got around to making my own. Never needed to until Bitmeter was abandoned. I have a bug report and a suggestion for you.
Bug: Disabling 'Always on Top' prevents NetWorx from displaying the graph over open windows when clicking the tray icon. It opens and closes normally with 'Always on Top'. It will open when you right click on the icon, but then you have to close the menu. I don't want the window always open, but I also don't like having to go back to the tray icon to close it every time ('Always on Top'). When functioning correctly, opening it once should be all that's required.
Feature request: An improved animated tray icon that's more attractive than an empty black box. The long defunct Bitmeter could be used as inspiration here. It's icon was attractive and perfectly functional. I would love to see something similar in NetWorx.