SoftPerfect NetWorx

Graph shows no activity when "Ignore local traffic" is enabled

Started by Randall


When I enable "Ignore local traffic within the LAN", the speed graph shows no traffic at all, even though I was downloading a file. Is there a way to fix this?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Graph shows no activity when "Ignore local traffic" is enabled   16 March 2020, 14:07

This suggests there may be an incompatibility with a third-party network driver. If you are using other software products like a firewall, antivirus, VPN or Internet security suite - all of these filter network traffic and thus may interfere with NetWorx.

If you want to exclude local traffic and monitor apps, you can try our new product NetGenius. It is built upon a different technology and may work better for you. NetGenius comes as a free 30-day trial, so there should be plenty of time for you to check if you like it better.

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