SNMP monitoring on macOS

Started by Jonathan


SNMP monitoring on macOS   10 November 2022, 15:45


I was just doing some testing and can't seem to get my Synology router RT2600ac monitored. I'm trying to monitor the WAN interface (so all Internet traffic). Their MIB guide shows I can poll their vendor MIB (Synology Port MIB) for status, but no mention of packet counters.

Can NetWorx monitor Synology routers?

It has discovered numerous interfaces (using SNMPv2 as I could not get v3 to connect). I have tried many and all show no traffic at all.


SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

SNMP monitoring on macOS - Fixed   10 November 2022, 15:56

Thank you for reporting this issue. There was actually a tiny bug that prevented SNMP monitoring from working on macOS. Please download the latest build and update your copy of the app.

After that, in the list of interfaces right-click any created SNMP entries and delete them as shown below. Then re-add your NAS and the interface monitoring should begin working properly.

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: SNMP monitoring on macOS - Fixed   11 November 2022, 09:24

Oh wow - thank you for such amazingly speedy support! That version seems to be working fine on macOS.

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