SoftPerfect NetWorx

Lock or click-through mode for the floating graph

Started by Zaite350

Lock or click-through mode for the floating graph   31 December 2022, 02:55


I recently upgraded from 6.x to 7.1.1 (Windows). I have the graph in floating mode / semi transparent, docked to the left corner of a screen. Sometimes when moving the mouse quickly and accidentally clicking on the graph, it gets dragged. Is there a way to lock it permanently in this position and/or enable a click-through mode like in version 6.x?

Thank you!
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Lock or click-through mode for the floating graph   31 December 2022, 23:07

That's a good idea. Thank you for the suggestion.

We have just implemented a new feature that allows locking the window in place. When active, it will not be possible to move or resize the window, so it will always retain the same position and size:

SoftPerfect support forum

You are welcome to download the new build here.

Re: Lock or click-through mode for the floating graph   01 January 2023, 02:49

Oh that's a great feature, thank you so much!

I will download and try now.

Happy New Year!

Re: Lock or click-through mode for the floating graph   01 January 2023, 08:12

Looking good, lock is working!

Thanks again
open | download – Screenshot 2022-12-31 221001.png (30.4 KB)

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