SoftPerfect NetWorx

UI scaling issue with Windows font size

Started by Sobhan


UI scaling issue with Windows font size   11 February 2023, 01:19

Hey there.
The problem is that the Settings page of NetWorx (7.1.1) and the overall UI doesn't scale correctly when I increase Windows font size. It looks good only with the minimum font size in Windows.

Here is an image that shows the problem:
SoftPerfect support forum
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: UI scaling issue with Windows font size   11 February 2023, 07:51

That definitely looks wrong. Please try the latest build. If it does not solve your problem, please provide more details about your system version and DPI settings, and we will do further checks.

NetWorx is supposed to support both large fonts and HiDPI. Here it is on Windows 10 with 200% scaling and large fonts, and everything looks fine:

SoftPerfect support forum

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